Dragon Master

Game preparation: Players need to collect and build their own decks, which contain various types of cards, such as character cards, skill cards, equipment cards, etc.
Game start: Before the game starts, each player needs to prepare a certain amount of game coins or life points, etc.
Card drawing PHase: Players draw a certain number of cards (usually five to seven) from their decks to their hands and prepare to start the game.
Battle process:
Round start: At the beginning of each round, players need to first discard their hand cards to reach a certain upper limit (usually five to seven cards).
Card drawing: After discarding the hand cards, the player draws a corresponding number of new cards from the deck to replenish the hand cards.
Action PHase: Players can use the cards in their hands to fight, cast skills, summon characters, use equipment, etc. Players can use multiple actions in each round, and the number of actions is usually limited by the "action points" or "energy points" available at the beginning of the round.
Battle: When players choose to fight, they need to compare the attack power and defense power of the cards participating in the battle. Cards with higher attack power than defense power will cause additional damage.
Special effects: Many cards have special effects, such as buffs (increases attack power, health, etc.), debuffs (reduces opponent's attack power, health, etc.), and other special abilities.
Victory conditions: Players' victory conditions are usually to reduce the opponent's health to zero or to complete a specific mission objective.
End turn: After all actions of the player in the current turn are completed, the turn ends. The game enters the next round, and the next player starts his turn.
Repeated battle: Players continue to take turns until one side reaches the victory condition and the game ends.